Articles, tips, and tricks related to marketing your business.

Need a Marketing Director?

2018-06-20T11:07:06-05:00June 20th, 2018|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , |

You need a Marketing Director. But, on average, they'll cost you $11,000 a month. Or, hire us as your marketing Consultant at $125 an hour for a few hours a month. To help you decide, we'll create for you a free set of banner ads that you can use for your advertising and marketing.

Do You Understand, Know How to Measure Your Customer Lifetime Value?

2017-12-09T15:44:07-06:00December 8th, 2017|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , |

Many businesses simply don’t know or understand the important metric of Customer Lifetime Value or CLV. This metric is important because it can tell you who your best customers are and why. Customer Lifetime Value is the amount of money that a customer spends.


2017-07-03T17:41:43-05:00November 25th, 2012|Categories: Marketing|

Tuesday December 12, 2012 - Tuesday December 12, 2012 Map and Directions | Register Description:Live seminar on small business online marketing best practices at Small Business Administration in Lubbock, Texas on December 12, 2012, Tuesday at 6pm-7pm. Register

Do You Know How To Reach Your Target Market?

2017-07-03T17:41:43-05:00July 24th, 2010|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Are you confused about what is the most effective method of reaching your customers? Did you know that there are systems your small business can use that allow you to reach and followup with your customers on many different communication platforms all at once?

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