To make the most out of the online market, businesses understand that it is important to work with a qualified and experienced online marketing agency and consultant. By working with the right agency, business owners and their staff are able to focus on their core business without worrying about the possibility of opportunities being lost online.

Unfortunately, it can be a challenge choosing an online marketing team, especially since there are many companies with different online marketing specialties. To help simplify the process, we’ve developed an infographic checklist that anyone can use to evaluate prospective agencies and consultants. For every “Yes” on the infographic’s questions, give the company you are evaluating a point. Ultimately, the companies with the most points would be the recommended choice.

See our Infographic, then keep reading below it:

Online Marketing Agency Services Scorecard Infographic

Online Marketing Agency Services Scorecard Infographic

Complete and Up-to-Date Services

The key in finding the right online marketing agency or consultant to partner with is to make sure that it is able to provide a complete or varied selection of online marketing services. These services must always be up-to-date, are rendered at an expert level, and provide great value to your business. The agency you choose must also be able to combine these services with each other, as doing so would make your online marketing plan more dynamic and effective.

That First Meeting and Consultation

Ultimately, you’ll be able to find an online marketing agency or consultant with a full suite of services and a portfolio of work that show how well they can help your business. What is important now is knowing whether they are the right fit for your business.

When you first meet with the potential agency that will handle your online marketing campaigns, they should engage you in an in-depth consultation. Through this, they gain a deep understanding of your business and industry, and what you need and expect from online marketing. In turn, you can get a feel of whether the agency and the solutions they recommend are in line with your business’ overall goals.

User Worthy MEDIA is the perfect online marketing agency partner for your business. We offer up-to-date, complete, and integrated online marketing solutions that give value to our clients. We take the time to listen to your needs through in-depth consultation, which we provide to clients before making any kind of service recommendation. And because we can deliver all these services to you, we’re confident we can help your local business succeed online. Call us now at 325-261-0950 or send us a message at to schedule a 30-minute free online marketing consultation.